A Presença Policial na Proteção Civil| The Police Presence in Civil Protection


civil protection; public policy; Portugal; security forces

How to Cite

Claro, R. (2022). A Presença Policial na Proteção Civil| The Police Presence in Civil Protection. Political Observer | Revista Portuguesa De Ciência Política (Portuguese Journal of Political Science), (17). https://doi.org/10.33167/2184-2078.RPCP2022.17/pp.127-140


Based on an integrated vision of national security, civil protection is assumed as an indispensable vector in the construction and restructuring of public security policies. Currently, security challenges such as natural disasters, the emergence of pandemics and serious accidents require a focused, coordinated and complementary response between the various security, civil protection and emergency institutions. This article analyzes the culture of civil protection in Portugal and the presence of security forces as civil protection agents and entities participating in various commissions. Through the analysis of the various systems and strategies established, the author demonstrates the presence of the National Republican Guard and the Public Security Police, as security forces, and simultaneously as civil protection agents.



Obras gerais e específicas
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