Political Observer | Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política (Portuguese Journal of Political Science)

Current Issue

No. 20 (2023)
Published 30 December 2023

Political Observer | (Former) Portuguese Journal of Political Science is an electronic and print journal of the Observatório Político that provides a space for interdisciplinary and international research on the meaning, function and impact of politics. The journal publishes articles that reflect the social sciences, from any relevant discipline, and that make an original scientific and academic contribution to the study of political science.

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Call For Papers - Political Observer - Revista Portuguesa de Ciência Política | Portuguese Journal of Political Science.

The call for papers for Political Observer editions for 2025 is now open.


30 October 2023
Cristina Montalvão Sarmento
Understanding the War (volume II)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59071/2795-4765.RPCP2023.20/pp.11-12


Pedro Constantino
Russian Orthodox Church: Kremlin’s ‘invisible hand’ in war against Ukraine | A Igreja Ortodoxa Russa: a ‘mão invisível’ do Kremlin na Guerra contra a Ucrânia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59071/2795-4765.RPCP2023.20/pp-17-26
Marcin Zatyka
Material and Spiritual Aid from the Catholic Church of Poland to Ukraine in the Face of Russian Aggression that Began in 2014
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59071/2795-4765.RPCP2023.20/pp-27-37
João Gomes
A Preliminary Comparative Analysis of Russian Military Operations in Grozny and Kyiv | Uma análise comparative preliminary das operações militares russas em Grozny e em Kyiv
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59071/2795-4765.RPCP2023.20/pp-39-50
Jorge Garrido
The Air Iron Curtain of the 21st Century: the Ukraine of the Air | A Cortina de Ferro Aérea do Século XXI: as Ucrânias do Ar
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59071/2795-4765.RPCP2023.20/pp-51-65

Book Reviews

Carlos Vargas
ESCHEN, Penny M. Von. Paradoxes of nostalgia. Cold war triumphalism and global disorder since 1989. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2022, 400 pp., 37 ill.: Triumphalism, anxiety and nostalgia: new world order and the end of the Cold War | Triunfalismos, ansiedades e nostalgias: nova ordem mundial e o fim da Guerra Fria
DOI: https://doi.org/10.59071/2795-4765.RPCP2023.20/pp-69-72
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