The contribution of broad participation as a means of giving voice to all individuals and communities has long been recognized by the United Nations, constituting a cornerstone of democracy and good governance, reflected in the implementation of participatory processes in different areas of society, including cultural heritage. This study consists in the content analysis of 15 international heritage doctrinal documents covering a time span from 1962 to 2019, in order to identify the recommended forms of participation, with reference to six participation categories defined through the analysis of the literature on the topic. A Thesaurus of terms and expressions related to each category was developed, namely information, consultation, intervention, partnership, decision and a generic residual category, and the frequency of its use in each doctrinal document was examined. The study is framed by the models of participatory and deliberative democracy, seeking to establish a temporal relationship between these and the forms of participation identified. It is expected that this exploratory study is extended in future to a greater number of documents in order to assess the feasibility of the methodology developed, thus contributing to the adoption more objective and precise heritage doctrinal documents.
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