Who Do You Trust? A Comparison of Political Communication and Trust in China, the UK and Italy During the COVID-19 Crisis


Public trust
authentic communication
strategic communication

How to Cite

Wang, Y. (2021). Who Do You Trust? A Comparison of Political Communication and Trust in China, the UK and Italy During the COVID-19 Crisis. Political Observer | Revista Portuguesa De Ciência Política (Portuguese Journal of Political Science), (14). https://doi.org/10.33167/2184-2078.RPCP2020.14/pp.61-79


The public’s trust in government at the national level is always a subject that arouses interest and debate among researchers as well as politicians, even more so when it comes to the response to a pandemic. COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of trust in governments and its impact on public compliance with health and safety guidelines. Many polls have found that trust in the government’s communications about COVID-19 has not experienced the same highs among countries (Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, 2020). This article discusses different political leaders’ approaches to public communication and response to the crisis and how these led to different levels of public trust in China, the UK and Italy.



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