Democracy is one of the most fascinating themes in the political grounds of the contemporary society. Globalization and the progress of the capitalist system were majorly responsible for the deliberation about the genuine characteristics that this concept should reach. Whether as a civilization model or a form of government, democracy is remembered when values such as equality and freedom are jeopardized. Since Ancient Greece, democracy has been exalted and worshiped as a government and civilization regime, but the concepts of nation, its representation and the state, as they evolved, impacted on the meaning of the term in the societies. Some challenges peculiar to Latin America were responsible for the semantic move of a democratic system, that, beyond representing the people’s will, shall rule guided by mutual interest. The linking of the concept of democracy solely with a political regime meant that the exercise of this value was placed in the hands of political representatives. In Brazil, the crisis of representativeness culminates in the manifestoes that occurred throughout the country in 2013, which apparently reveal a new period of Brazilian democracy. In this sense, the present article analyzes how the Brazilian Spring of 2013 influenced the impeachment of the former president Dilma Rousseff and tries to address the paths that the Brazilian democracy intends to follow.
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