This article focuses within a global perspective on the influence of Islamic feminism on social, political, representative, cultural and legal aspects, as well as on the role played by Muslim women in their struggle for their emancipation in the States ruled by the Quran, as well as in the so-called Western secular States in States oriented by the Quran, as well as in western secular States. The facts point to a possible effective change that will place Muslim women on a higher level in society, despite all the contrasts with regard to patriarchy. How is this vulgarization of Islamic feminism on a global scale justified today? What are the conditions that lead Islamic feminism to reconcile with, or distance itself from, other vanguards of feminism? In what terms do these feminist movements interpret reality outside of Islam? Why is Islamic feminism often silenced? Questions that the article addresses in its structure, obeying a dualistic pattern between religion and secular, West and East, freedom and equality, conservatism and progress, man and woman, rights and duties, namely in the civilizational, social, cultural, political and legal domains.
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