A Governança Global no Âmbito da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT):O Caso do Brasil após a Reforma Trabalhista (2017-2019) | Global Governance within the Framework of the International Labor Organization:The Case of Brazil after the Labor Reform


International Labour Organization
labor reform

How to Cite

Othon, A. (2022). A Governança Global no Âmbito da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT):O Caso do Brasil após a Reforma Trabalhista (2017-2019) | Global Governance within the Framework of the International Labor Organization:The Case of Brazil after the Labor Reform. Political Observer | Revista Portuguesa De Ciência Política (Portuguese Journal of Political Science), (16). https://doi.org/10.33167/2184-2078.RPCP2021.16/pp.167-181


The article addresses the global governance operationalized within the International Labour Organization (ILO) framework, focusing on the supervision of part of the legal changes that occurred in Brazil due to the labor reform (Law No. 13,467/2017). The research consists on a case study, delimited geographically and chronologically, and a qualitative approach based on bibliographic research, emphasizing book chapters and scientific articles and institutional records provided by ILO and available on the internet. Its relevance lies in contributing to the set of reflections on the direction of governance carried out by the ILO and the focus given – Brazil after labor reform –, considering the scarcity of studies on the subject under such perspective in political science. At the end of the article, it appears that the criticisms directed
by the Brazilian government against the ILO’s supervisory system has a limited potential to tarnish the reputation of the global governance performed by it, as this negative perception is mainly limited to the national business community. For citizens, entities and other Member
States that remain committed to the postulates of social justice, the importance and indispensability of the global governance performed by it in the defense and promotion of labor rights as an ethical guideline and civilizational threshold of globalization are preserved.



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