We live in times of change, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the changes that were underway in the structural arrangements of the international system dominated in recent decades by the US. With the end of the Cold War, it was believed that the globalization of democracy, relations of mutual cordiality between the great powers and international cooperation without restrictions through the institutions would be possible. This supposed end of strategic competition led to the loss of protagonism of realistic theory as a lens for international relations. Today, we know that the end of the story was announced too soon. According to this, the article focuses on the strategic relationship of the three great geopolitical powers — the US, China, and Russia — applying the theoretical analysis of Lowell Dittmer. The strategic triangle is not new, having foundations precisely during the Cold War, however, its structural arrangements differ from those previously verified. China is a stronger player globally, the US, although it has lost momentum, remains the world’s largest superpower, and Russia can never be sidelined by geopolitical relevance on several fronts. Based on this framework, the article will seek to unravel the dynamics that currently exist between the three actors and what consequences it brings to the future world order.
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